InFellowship is the church’s primary communication tool for keeping you connected to the Star. With InFellowship, individuals can access the online church directory and also manage their individual and family information.

Creating an InFellowship Account

Go to and follow the simple instructions to create an account (profile).

If you encounter any problems creating an account, contact Lisa Nettles at

Updating Your Information

If any of your membership information changes i.e. address, telephone number, marital status, etc., you may update it by logging into your InFellowship account and selecting “Update Profile.” Please note that profile updates (address, etc.) made through InFellowship affect (are applied to) the entire household. Again, Lisa Nettles can address specific questions regarding updates. If you are not registered in InFellowship and wish to update your member information, please complete a Membership Update Form and submit it to the Church Office.

Privacy Settings

Privacy Settings allow individuals to determine which pieces of personal information can be viewed by others in InFellowship such as group leaders and group members.

Church Directory

Church Directory allows InFellowship users who are members or attendees to opt to have their information displayed in an online directory. All access to information is controlled by the user by configuring their privacy settings.

Online Giving

Online Giving allows users to make contributions online, track giving history (regardless of method of contribution) and print giving statements for tax file reporting. Make a donation now.


The Group Function allows individuals to browse MSBC groups to find one to join. This is the only function a non-registered InFellowship user has access to. The Group function also allows group leader to manage groups and group members to find and contact members of their group. Again, you control your “viewable” information through Privacy Settings.