So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members of one another. Romans 12:5 KJV
Morning Star’s Worship & Arts Department is committed to establishing a worship culture that is conducive for the spirit of the Lord to inhabit and commune with his bride, the church. Through singing, instrumentation, dance and interpretation we create a perpetual atmosphere of prayer, praise and worship; fostering and cultivating the believer’s relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Ministry participants holistically serve God and His people, which they believe is their reasonable act of service. You are invited to join these ministries in giving God perfected praise and glory in the spirit of excellence.
To be a Worship and Arts ministry that responds to God’s worship invitation in spirit and in truth; while helping facilitate an experience committed to the mission of Jesus Christ resulting in transformed lives, effective disciples, empowered communities and authentic worship.
To set the atmosphere for a move of God, by rendering praise and worship through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, dancing, miming, acting, prayer and intercession, interpretation for the deaf, video, audio, lighting and music; in ways that facilitate the manifested presence of God in every corporate gathering of the saints at Morning Star Baptist Church.
Worship and Arts Director
Min. Anita McConnell
410-747-3417, ext. 229
Audio/Video Ministry
Bro. Tyrone Parker
The MSBC Audio Ministry consists of a team of audio engineers, volunteers and professionals whose purpose is to assure that the sound during worship experiences is conducive. The MSBC Video Ministry consists of a producer, directors, graphics and camera persons. The producer serves as the leader in the overall videotaping of a service. The directors direct the camera persons on when and what shots to take. Graphic persons organize and display images. Camera persons operate the cameras. It is the mission of the Video ministry to capture and transmit images to the world as the word is preached, classes are taught, and praise and worship is displayed.
Children’s Choir
Min. Donna Brown
The MSBC Children’s choir is a singing aggregation comprised of children, ages 4 through grade 5, that minister to children, specifically, and the congregation, at-large, through music, which is age appropriate, while teaching the members about the Lord through song, as well as being a foundation for choir etiquette, choral performance and setting a standard for excellence in ministry and life.
Liturgical Dance Ministries
Anointed By Christ Dance Ministry (adult women)
Sis. Octavia Hopkins
God’s Beautiful Feet Dance Ministry (teen girls)
Min. Teri-Joyner Johnson
God’s Heavenly Angels Ministry Dance Ministry (girls)
Sis. Teshia Wright
God’s Little Soldiers Dance Ministry (Boys)
Sis. Warnette Moultrie
God’s Mighty Warrior Dance Ministry (teen boys)
Sis. Imani Rose
The Liturgical Dance Ministries are directed by God as a visual means of ministry, tearing down strong holds, opening doors for praise and worship, and demonstrating an intimate covenant relationship with our Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that liturgical dance is a tool to magnify our gifts in the kingdom to edify the anointing in the atmosphere, invite an anointing that will heal, encourage, exhort, set free and deliver the word of God.
Bro. David Mason
The Greeter’s Ministry is to ensure that everyone who enters our doors are greeted with a spirit filled smile and see and feel the love of Jesus Christ. Because we are His “doorkeepers” and the “first impression” of MSBC, we have a wonderful opportunity and an awesome responsibility to touch every heart. The Greeter’s Ministry is a face-to-face and heart-to-heart ministry. Just as Christ has received us in unconditional love, we accept everyone just as they are.
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Min. Tryphena Barnes – Min. Vanilla Jackson
Talking to God is the mission of this ministry which is committed to covering the Church, Community and World in prayer.
Men’s Choir
Bro. Lawrence Townes
The MSBC Men’s Choir is a singing aggregation comprised of men whose purpose is to minister to the congregation through music by singing choir music of multiple styles and genres in order to inspire the church, at-large, to worship God.
Bro. Kevin Orange / Sis. Valerie Hickson
The MSBC Usher Ministry consists of persons ages 5 and older (adult males, females and youth). They serve as hosts during most of our worship services, assisting the worship experience in various ways.
Voices of Praise Choir
Sis. Angela Harrison
The Voices of Praise is a singing aggregation comprised of members of all ages whose purpose is to minister to the congregation through music by singing choir music of multiple styles and genres in order to inspire the church, at-large, to worship God.
Worship Team
The MSBC Praise Team is a singing aggregation comprised of selected members whose purpose is to set an atmosphere of praise and worship conducive for the manifested presence of God to abide. Members should be part of other areas of music ministry before inquiring about this music aggregation.
Young Adult Choir
Sis. Angel White
The MSBC Young Adult choir is a singing aggregation comprised of church members aged 18–35 that minister to the congregation through music by singing energetic, age-appropriate music, such that the presentation of each song is effective and life-changing to the choir members and church at large.
Youth Choir (Grade 6 through age 17)
The MSBC Children’s choir is a singing aggregation that ministers to youth (Gr. 6 – age 17), specifically, and the congregation, at-large, through music, which is age appropriate, while teaching the members about the Lord through song, as well as being a foundation for choir etiquette, choral performance and setting a standard for excellence in ministry and life.