MSBC Ministry Listing
MSBC Ministry Listing | Bishop Dwayne C. Debnam
Morning Star Baptist Church | 1512 Woodlawn Drive | Gwynn Oak, MD 21207
Ministry Name | Leader (s)/Description | Contact Email/Description |
Marketing/ Communication |
Anthony Brown Create consistent messaging for the ministry with overall responsibility for the church’s brand and communications. |
marketing@msbcministries.org |
Media Arts Ministry | Lisa Garry Ministry works to Visually enhance the worship experience using graphics and video imagery. |
mediaarts@msbcministries.org |
Photography Ministry | Latonia Sanders Provide still photography for the purpose of marketing and archiving ministry. |
photo@msbcministries.org |
Social Media | Anthony Brown Support ministry events by connecting Social Media viewers and supporters. |
msbcsocial@msbcministries.org |
Website Ministry | Anthony Brown Support Church and Ministry news and information by making regular updates to the Church’s website to keep the website current. |
WebsiteMinistry@msbcministries.org |
Ministry Name | Leader (s)/Description | Contact Email/Description |
Children and Youth Discipleship | Dawn McDaniel Work with parents to build and transform children and youth into disciples of Jesus.v |
dmcdaniels@msbcministries.org |
Spiritual Development |
Zeleana Morris, Steven Wilder, Shauntia Price, The MSBC Spiritual Development Program provides opportunities for individuals to begin and continue an ongoing journey regarding discipleship, a journey towards being more like Christ. Discipleship classes, as well as Church School classes, open to MSBC members and non-members of all ages, provide Biblical foundation for spiritual growth, financial understanding, and emotional well-being. |
msbc_christed@msbcministries.org |
GED Ministry | Deirdre Taylor Provide education and training with regards to the GED program and curriculum. |
cfe@msbcministries.org |
Tutoring Ministry Service |
A Tutor helps students’ complete assignments, develop relevant skills, and better understand the curriculum outside the classroom. Some Tutors work one-on-one with students while others teach a small group of children during a tutoring session. |
msbctutor@gmail.com |
New Members | Shauntia Price Receive and orient new members as they begin their MSBC journey. Assist and support with the transition of those accepting Christ. Effectively coordinate New Members demographical data to MSBC staff. Educate those that join through the New Members Classes. |
newmembers@msbcministries.org |
Ministry Name | Leader (s)/Description | Contact Email/Description |
Children’s Ministry KIDZ J.A.M – |
Kimberly Moses Kidz J.A.M. Ministry is an opportunity for children to fellowship through worship, relationship building and having fun while learning more about God’s word. We meet every Sunday and share in other experiences like “Back to School” drive, Christmas Fellowship, Easter Fellowship, Harvest Festival and Children’s Day. |
childrensministry@msbcministries.org |
Family Life Ministry | TBD Ministry strives to lead adults to become the primary faith influencers of their family. We are committed to executing family values through fellowship, relationship, and stewardship. |
FamilyLifeMinistry@msbcministries.org |
Men’s Ministry | James Pierce, Anthony Brown, Carnell Nettles Encourage and empower men to fulfill their purpose by connecting them to Christ through relationship and fellowship. |
mensministry@msbcministries.org |
Men’s Ministry | James Pierce, Anthony Brown, Carnell Nettles Encourage and empower men to fulfill their purpose by connecting them to Christ through relationship and fellowship. |
MensMinistry@msbcministries.org |
Senior Ministry Pearls of Wisdom | Sylvia Chambers, Lela Clemons, Sarah Watkins The Pearls of Wisdom Ministry is designed to meet the needs of seniors, offering fellowship, relationship building, empowerment and spiritual growth. | seniors@msbcministries.org |
Women’s Ministry | Teresa Williams BOLD Women’s Ministry nurtures, encourages/empowers & equips women ages 18+ to pursue their God given purpose and (we do this) by connecting them to God, the community, and each other. | womensministry@msbcministries.org |
Marriage Ministry Chosen by God | James & Vanessa Jones, Anthony & Sheri Brown MSBC Marriage Ministry is committed to helping couples thrive in their marriage by providing empowering educational tools to nourish and cherish each other in a healthy marriage relationship. Our aim is to provide biblical principles and practical tools to establish and maintain a God centered, life-long marriage that thrives on commitment, intimacy, and growth. This ministry will not only play a pivotal role in building successful marriages, but will also impact children, families, the church, the community and ultimately, the world. | marriageministry@msbcministries.org |
Young Adult Ministry Next Level Generation | Sierra Walker Provide spiritual and social outreach to men and women. Promote moral and spiritual structure in order to empower our lives as disciples of Christ. |
youngadultministry@msbcministries.org |
Youth Ministry Royalty | Nate Lucas Honor God with excellence by meeting the needs of Youth by helping to build Youth into Disciples. Includes mentoring programs, community, and special event opportunities. |
youthministry@msbcministries.org |
Parenting Ministry | TBD The parenting ministry helps parents through key questions without dictating an on-size-fits-all solution. |
anniebellstewart@gmail.com |
Singles Ministry | TBD Successful individuals navigating a Godly life exclusively and saved. |
singles@msbcministries.org |
Ministry Name | Leader (s)/Description | Contact Email/Description |
H.E.A.L.T.H. Ministry (Healing Empowerment & Living Through Him |
Imani- Angela Rose – Ministry Liaison This umbrella of ministries provides physical, emotional, and spiritual support to persons and their caregivers seeking to improve their overall wellbeing through diverse support groups, health education, and health screenings. These services are provided by a diverse group of licensed healthcare workers and support personnel who believe that a healthy soul equals a healthy body. |
wellness@msbcministries.org |
Cancer Support Ministry | Brenda McQuay A support group to encourage members and their families who have been diagnosed with cancer. To create a spiritual sanctuary for those affected by cancer, where members, community and their families can express their fears and concerns openly.. |
cancersupport@msbcministries.org |
Celebrate Recovery | Anita Jones This program is designed to help those struggling with addictions, hurts, habits, and hang-ups by showing them the loving power of Jesus Christ through a recovery process. The program promotes a Biblical recovery process with scripture, teachings, and Small Group sessions at its foundation. |
msbc_tgif@msbcministries.org |
Chronic Illness | Michael Durry Provide Education about chronic diseases that affect our population, such as Diabetes class, high blood pressure, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, etc. |
wellnes@msbcministries.org |
Divorce Care / Divorce Care 4 Kids Ministry |
Gloria Hill Internationally recognized comprehensive Christ – Centered support program that helps individuals as they journey through the separation and divorce process by utilizing the internationally recognized Divorce Care curriculum. There is also a curriculum for children experiencing divorce. |
divorcecare@msbcminstries.org |
Grief Ministry | Alicia Edmonson A nationally recognized comprehensive Christ centered support group that helps persons find their way through loss of any type, which may include a loved one, job, sickness, etc. |
griefministry@msbcministries.org |
Fitness & Nutrition | Chene Johnson Ministering with the love of Christ the importance of establishing and maintaining a positive and healthy lifestyle through education and risk behavior modification in the areas of exercise, nutrition, and disease prevention. |
Wellnes@msbcministries.org |
Medical Professional Ancillary Ministry | Imani Angela- Rose This ministry supports medical emergencies that may happen within our congregation and is composed of Health Care Professionals that give First Aid and CPR. |
Wellnes@msbcministries.org |
Narcotics Anonymous | Donna Bruce, Dwayne Bruce NA is a nonprofit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs. There is only one requirement for membership, the desire to stop using. We suggest that you keep an open mind and give yourself a break. Our program is a set of principles written so simply that we can follow them in our daily lives. |
Wellness@msbcministries.org |
RAAY’S of Hope | Hazel Parker – Jones AIDS awareness ministry committed to community and congregational education regarding HIV and AIDS (which the ministry emphasizes is 100% preventable.) |
raaysofhope@msbcministries.org |
Special Needs | TBD Provide resources and education to families regarding management of persons with special needs. Also, helps support the special needs of persons during our Church school and other church events. |
Ministry Name | Leader (s)/Description | Contact Email/Description |
Audio/Video Ministry | Tyrone Parker Provide the technical expertise to ensure the quality of our services has the highest visual quality for the overall experience. |
videoministry@msbcministries.org |
God’s Heavenly Angles | Lateshia Wright Children Girls Dance Ministry Provide opportunity for young girls (PreK – Grade 12) to give God glory through dance. |
ghadance@msbcministries.org |
Children’s Choir | Donna Brown Choir for Age 5 – 5th Grade who sing ageappropriate music, praise, and give back to the community. |
childrenschoir@msbcministries.org |
Deaf Ministry | Angela Williams The Deaf Ministry provides sign language interpretation during MSBC worship services. We also host sessions for Deaf/Hard of Hearing members and signers of all levels to learn worship songs in American Sign Language and general information about Deaf Culture. |
DeafMinistry@msbcministries.org |
Boys Dance/Step Team God’s Little Soldiers |
Warnette Moultrie, Imani Rose Provide an opportunity for young boys (PreKGrade 5) to give God glory through dance and step. |
GLSDance@msbcministries.org |
Greeters Ministry | David Mason Greet, welcome, and assist members and visitors. |
greeters@msbcministries.org |
Men’s Choir | Lawrence Townes, Darryl Dancy Choir for men 18 and older who sing via multiple styles and genres in order to inspire others to worship God. |
menchoir@msbcministries.org |
Ushers | Valerie Hickson, Kevin Orange Manage the flow of worshippers as they enter, exit, and participate in worship services and special events. |
UshersAdmin@msbcministries.org |
Ushers – Female | Kim Carter Female Ushers (Age 18+) |
UshersFemale@msbcministries.org |
Ushers – Juniors | Valerie Hickson Children Ushers (Ages 11 and under)Valerie Hickson Children Ushers (Ages 11 and under) |
UshersJr@msbcministries.org |
Ushers – Male | Michael Henson, Oda Tynes Male Ushers (Age 18+) |
UshersMale@msbcministries.org |
Ushers – Young Adult and Youth | Brandon Johnson, Adam Johnson Young Adult and Youth Ushers (Ages 11 – 35) |
UshersYYA@msbcministries.org |
Voices of Praise Choir | Anita McConnell, Angela Harrison Choir comprised of all singing aggregations 18 and older who sing via multiple styles and genres in order to inspire others to worship God. |
vopchoir@msbcministries.org |
Women’s Dance Ministry Anointed by Christ (ABC) | TBD ABC ministers on selected Sunday’s and for special church events. Routinely devote time to fasting, prayer, meditating on scripture and committing songs to memory in preparation for ministry obligations. |
abcdance@msbcministries.org |
Worship and Arts | Anita McConnell We ensure that all of the choirs, dance ministries, performing arts ministries, audio, video, lighting, ushers, and intercessors create an experience that leads persons to the awesome awareness of who God is. |
WorshipArts@msbcministries.org |
Young Adult Choir | Crystal Dorsey Choir for ages 18 – 35 that ministers by singing energetic, age-appropriate music, such that the presentation of each song is effective and life changing to the choir members and the church. |
YACChoir@msbcministries.org |
Youth Choir | Malik Kelly Choir for Grades 6 – 12 that ministers through music which is age-appropriate, teaching members about the Lord through song. |
youthchoir@msbcministries.org |
Bible Study Praise Team | Anita McConnell Comprised of members of various singing aggregations selected to serve. |
bsptchoir@msbcministries.org |
Intercessors | Tryphena Barnes Equip and empower the congregation into a deeper realm of prayer to mobilize and teach each believer to pray for and share the gospel. |
intercessors@msbcministries.org |
God’s Mighty Warriors | Warnette Moultrie, Imani Rose Children – Boys Dance Team Youth Boys Dance/Step Team |
GLSDance@msbcministries.org |
GBF (Gods Beautiful Feet) Dance Ministry | Terry Joyner – Johnson Dance ministry for teens ages 12-17. |
gbfdance@msbcministries.org |
One Sound Worship Team | Angel White A singing aggregation composed of members whose purpose is to minister to the congregation through music of multiple styles and genres to inspire the church, at-large, to worship God. |
jharris@msbcministries.org |
Ministry Name | Leader (s)/Description | Contact Email/Description |
Food Pantry | Helen Carpenter, Joseph Sanders Serve members of the church and community with food and provide connections to additional community resources. |
FoodPantry@msbcminitries.org |
Great Commission | Tonia Carrington, Delores Turner We minister beyond the doors of MSBC, supporting foreign outreach ministry and local outreach ministries such as nursing homes, group homes, and working with MSBC in their outreach community activities. |
greatcommission@msbcministries.org |
Prison Ministry | Michael Smith, Rishawn White Prison Ministry shares the love of Jesus Christ with persons who are incarcerated and their family members. The Ministry is also available to assist ex-offenders in their return to society outside of the jail and prison walls. The Ministry currently hosts services, Bible Studies and Discipleship programs at six different institutions. |
prisonministry@msbcministries.org penpals@msbcministries.org |
Toastmasters | Ralph Jackson Teach individuals skills in communication and leadership |
toastmasters@msbcministries.org |
Global Connections Ministry | Randy Griffin Connects, Engages, Inspires and Spiritually Equips members of the online community whose physical location does not allow them to attend in-person worship, teaching, and fellowship experiences. |
rgriffin@msbcministries.org |
Bereavement, Home Going Services | Marguerite Keys Provide spiritual support and comfort for family members who have lost loved ones through death. |
bereavement@msbcministries.org |
Ministry Name | Leader (s)/Description | Contact Email/Description |
Administrative Support | Rhonda Sanders – Staff Church Front Office Support |
churchoffice@msbcministries.org |
Facilities | Kyle Jones, Carl Williams – Staff Protection and care of God’s resources for ministry. |
kjones@msbcministries.org cwilliams@msbcministries.org |
Information Center | Keonya Chase, Shirl Grant Provide 5 Star service to all visitors, members, and guests with the utmost respect and quality at all times. Available and ready to assist persons with the latest and most current information regarding MSBC to make sure each person has their needs met and satisfied. |
informationcenter@msbcministries.org |
Prayer Requests | Staff Inform Church Leadership to pray for individuals requesting prayer. |
prayerrequests@msbcministries.org |
Renaissance Christian Counselling Center | Dr. Carla Debnam Licensed, Christian counseling for the church and the community |
renaissancecenter@msbcministries.org |
Social Actions Ministry | Charlee Childs, James Farnum Build theologically grounded, collaborative strategies to examine and actively participate in solutions to end social inequities and injustices. |
SocialActions@msbcministries.org |
Star Conference Center | Carl Williams Exclusive banquet facility owned and operated by the ministry. |
starcenter@msbcministries.org |
Wedding Ministry | Vanessa Jones Assist couples with the planning and execution of their wedding ceremony within the guidelines of Morning Star and in a way that honors and glorifies God. |
weddings@msbcministries.org |
Business Resource Group (BRG) |
Kathy Evans, Patricia Veney A faith-based resource for persons interested in starting, growing, and sustaining successful businesses through networking, mentorship, and education.A faith-based resource for persons interested in starting, growing, and sustaining successful businesses through networking, mentorship, and education. |
brg@msbcministries.org |